I bought a set top box a few month ago. Unfortunately, when asked for my address, I gave it to the cashier at Argos. Today, I had a visit from some guy from TV licensing. I refused to let him in. He said, if I would not let hin in, he would come back with the police and a search warrant. I did some research on the web then. Apparently, they can only get a search warrant when they have some "evidence" against me. Now here is the question: What could this evidence be? Is it enough that I bought a set top box? Or is the thing with the search warrant just an empty threat?
BTW: I do not own a TV! I wanted to connect the set top box to my PC. However, this did not work. So I am *NOT* watching TV, it just does not work.
What's the best thing to do? I really want to avoid the guys sniffing through my flat or be summoned to court. Will the guys come back?
Thanks for your help!
What does "evidence" mean when it comes to TV licensing?nba merchandise
As far as i am aware just owning one makes you eligble for paying a liciense. I was paying b/w licience but like u we admitted to having a video rec, and they said as it could recieve the signal we had to pay for a colour licience best way is to check the web site add. Tell them it was a pressi for a friend and give them a friends name who has a licience and also inform the friend so they can back you up. Do not appear phased by them. good luck
What does "evidence" mean when it comes to TV licensing?2003 nba draft ,nba teams
No way out of this one. We are in 'Big Brother' time. Freedom as we know it has gone. You are easy pickings. No money in catching muggers!
Trust me these bloodsuckers will be back! They will leave reminders on your front door for all the world to see,they will knock your door at all hours. If they cannot talk to you or get a satisfactory response they will take you to court. They will produce a document, a written statement saying that they visited your premises,you refused them admission but you did admit to having a television even though you didn't know when it was installed.You refused to sign the statement when asked to do so and you made no comment when the officer cautioned you. So Either you let them in to see that you don't have a television or they will take you to the cleaners.
Evidence would be seeing a TV set through a window, or hearing a TV in use, or using a TV detector van. So it's unlikely they can get a warrant, but they are likely to hassle you forever. Once these guys get a sniff, they don't give up.
Please get in touch with Johnathan Miller (don't know how, but you could try Google), who has, for many years, been leading a campaign against the TV license.
Now rule one, never give the correct name AND address to those people like Argos and Curry's or even Tesco! Now that they have your name, its a court summons. And if your story about using that box for your computer is accepted then you may be let off. But these guys are no idiots, they will catch you out and the one with the wig will say , " 锟?00, fine you have 24 days to pay or its 24 days jail." Thats it I'm afraid.
yes possession of the box without a busuiness reason to own it, is most likely enough Probable Cause.
And no, most likely if they already came out, it will not be a empty threat, now it will take a while for governemtn process, but in general I would expect it.
Tell them to chase the other ten million unrecorded scroungers who do have tv's and never intend to get a licence. they have no business in your house so tell them to F off
Ignore the snoopers who come to your door. Refuse to talk to them, shut the door in their faces. Ignore their letters. When they track down your phone number and call you at home, put the phone down on them. The "evidence" they rely on is a signed "confession" from people who are unsure of where they stand. So you bought a set top box? So what, whats it got to do with them? Maybe you bought it as present for someone, what business is it of theirs who you spend your money on?
they will come back so let them n to prove u dont have a telly but remember take telly away and hide it.
The law as stands states that if you have unlicensed equipment capable of recieving a television signal you are guilty. If you view t.v via a computor setup you still need a license. You may be fined 锟?000 for watching most of the programmes you have watched 5 years previously. You would be far better off dumping the t.V. and robbing banks, tell the police you are an addict and needed a fix. Who knows Cherie Blair may defend you, if the price is right, Oh! for a knighthood. In reality i would hide the tele' and forget it for a few months or knuckle down and buy a licence like most of us do. Thats life, Delta Bravo.
They certainly won't just go away until there is a TV licence registered to your address.
You should let them in and convince them that you are not capable of receiving TV pictures. In order to do that I suggest you remove any receiving equipment, including any aerial on your roof.
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